Let’s talk about what a low oxalate meal plan should comprise. In our previous article we mentioned foods that can cause kidney stones due to their oxalate concentration.
Now in this low oxalate recipes post I will help us come up with a few excellent low oxalate meal plan strategies for breakfast, lunch and supper.
For a more professional guide you can have this low oxalate cookbook & recipes by researcher Cindy Bokman. It’s really helpful and very cheap on Amazon.
And you know what, your diet would still be enjoyable even if you are required to strictly stick to foods with low oxalate concentration.
Obviously, without a meal plan, it can be hard to keep a balanced diet that is of cause low on oxalates. Unfortunately, most low oxalate recipes tend to feature foods that are not easy to prepare or are just not easily reachable.
As in, they don’t offer a workable plan. For your low oxalate meal plan strategy, direct instructions would be better — something like: avoid kales completely or eat less than 50gm blah blah blah…

Source: nephure
But before we exhaust the topic on low oxalate meal plan and ideas — question, what is oxalate? Reminding us of the meaning would give us a clear guideline as to why some food substances are more preferred than others in a low oxalate meal plan.
In the shortest definition, oxalates are molecular compounds and are most prevalent in plants. Other research papers like to call them chemical components.
“You may want to get in touch with your nutritionist sometimes when you are unsure of the oxalate concentration in certain foods or the impact it can cause on kidney stones or other related ailments like fibromyalgia, arthritis or gout if you are a victim of either” a note by low oxalate diet mayo clinic experts.
However, with some concrete information on foods that make great low oxalate recipes, you can comfortably jargon around with your meal plans.
The only problem is sometimes it may be hard to have this information all in one place.
A friend of mine compiled this same information I am sharing here, and he’s selling it as a downloadable digital ebook which he calls, the “low oxalate diet pdf” and you can guess he’s really making a catch, making up to $40 per download.
Assume only 80 people hit the download button — the guy would bank a whopping $3200 for that small audience…
But lucky you, I’ve done the research on everything you need to know about low oxalate meal plan and I share those foods that make a perfect low oxalate recipes here, for free!
The meal plans comprise of three categories: what you should focus on for your breakfast, lunch hour and during your heavy meals like dinner or a home-based party, and a few low oxalate snack ideas. And so without farther ado let’s get them out, check below.
Low Oxalate Breakfast Ideas
When it comes to “safe foods” you should wake up with, to keep a low oxalate diet, you’ll want to focus on calcium-rich foods. Your body may use relatively 700 to 1100 mg of calcium a day.
Calcium ideally acts as a compressant of oxalate and when they are low in the body, the oxalate concentration tends to rise above what the body can handle during the excretion of toxins.
Another thing is, calcium and oxalates must be to a certain ratio to help the body flush off the compounds, otherwise, they may not be detected.
So a breakfast needs to comprise of low oxalate product foods and calcium-rich drinks (teas or juices). A serving of cereals can get you what you require in your low oxalate meal plan endeavor.
Breakfast or brunch serving meal plan: go for rich-in-calcium foods — think of orange juice or low-fat milk for your drinks, you can also include some common coffee, and a scrambled egg.
What to avoid may include soybeans or just soy products in general, and this is mostly if you are intolerant to lactose or, are a can’t joke vegetarian.
The idea here is, you completely don’t want anything to do with high oxalates if you are facing kidney stone pains and at the same time are lactose-intolerant.
You also don’t want something complicated during your morning preparations bearing in mind you don’t have time to waste. That’s your low oxalate meal plan for breakfast! (You can also create your low oxalate diet pdf from these foods by placing them on an excel sheet in a neat order, then pdf the document).
Low Oxalate Lunch Ideas and custom Recipes
Unless you really need to exceed limits, it is always advisable that you eat a small serving of food as your lunch. This can be halve the portion you take for dinner.
But if you are doing some heavy work you can have a full serving (with the idea being, don’t eat what can’t be digested.)
Lunch serving meal plan: some grains would do – but first, caution: most wheat-processed foods are considered high oxalates and you don’t want that with kidney stones.
Avoid whole-wheat bread, and chapatti for that matter just to be specific. Instead, have a piece of enriched white bread; you can as well use this or a similar approach for low oxalate snacks.
You can have a soft turkey to represent some meat (most types of meat are low on oxalate, so your favorite can do).
That can be sandwiched with some lettuce beams, low-fat cheese, covered by the white bread we’ve mentioned.
A diversity of cucumber and a small piece of tomato can form your lunchtime salad. Your low oxalate fruits can comprise of fresh bananas, (banana oxalates don’t pinch), fresh apples, cherries, and pears.
Avoid fruits like kiwi, red currant, and purple plum, they are high in oxalates and will increase your kidney pains. Your lunch should also be low on sodium in general.
So avoid adding salt to cooked food. top on that, avoid salt dipped meat, and prepackaged meals for your lunch because it may be high in sodium. You can go with a freshly prepared turkey, whether boiled or fried no problem, as that makes a perfect mix in a low oxalate meal plan.
Low Oxalate Dinner Recipes
Let us talk about low oxalate dinner ideas. Your dinner needs to be at least something heavy. During sleep, researchers say lots of processes take place to rejuvenate worn out tissues and that means energy will be highly necessary.
So for a perfect low oxalate dinner recipe, (or simply put: foods with low oxalate to eat for dinner,) read the below preceding paragraphs…
What of some lean protein? That will be a great dinner with low oxalate content. Ideally, the foods we eat when approaching bedtime needs to be well thought off because this is the time the body will be resting.
Most absorption of food takes place during the night (2 – 4 hours after digestion has stopped). In other words, you don’t want oxalate in excess during this time.
So think of delicacies like baked fish, served with freshly harvested cooked carrots accompanied by a bowl of white rice. Off cause no limits to choices of foods as much as they are low oxalate content foods.
For a custom low oxalate dinner recipe, you can think of a fresh fruit dessert, followed by a cut of pork, beef, shellfish or poultry depending on your favorite for that day.
Avoid anything to do with nuts, beans, and other legumes because their oxalate content exceeds what your condition can handle.
Also just avoid tofu, “not best for kidney stones,” says low oxalate diet mayo clinic experts. For the procedure of preparing your dinner, again remember not to involve seasoning mixes high in salt because you don’t want additional sodium.
The natural salt contained in your pork, selfish or poultry is enough. Talking of greens or vegetable to add to your low oxalate meal plan, spinach and kales are an outright NO! Think of cabbages and the rest.
That is, you just don’t want any dark green leafy vegetable as their oxalate content is so high. And to always remember the dinner plans as well, you can again create your low oxalate diet pdf from this information
What About Low Oxalate Snack Ideas, Should they be Included in the kidney Stone diet?
This is a whole topic altogether and I’d appreciate knowing you’d want it covered…
You can always pass a note in the comment section about anything you want us to write about on the low oxalate meal plans for kidney stone patients.
However, I think it’s not wise to keep you waiting because it doesn’t pinch to mention a few snacks low in oxalates.
Off we go… First, in your low oxalate meal plan, avoid salt or sodium-rich snacks they can be your worst enemy.
Think of this, your body would get a whole 200mg of salt from a single ounce serving of potato-made French fries. That alone represents around 10% of 2200mg of the limit your body is supposed to take in each day.
Assume you have 5 servings of the same, it means per serving you’ll have already taken 50% which equals to 1100mg of sodium. And you’ve not counted the lunch and breakfast contents on the same.
Enough lecture on sodium, and back to low oxalate meal plan snack ideas to think of. In that approach, low-sugar gelatin, fruit choices like pineapple, less-conc orange, raw sticks, and nonfat yogurt would be smart picks.
You can opt for low-oxalate veggies like cabbages or carrots other than packed snacked foods or high-sodium crackers.
To custom-make your low oxalate meal plan, you can learn more about other foods with low oxalate in the below links:
- http://www.cdc.gov/vitalsigns/sodium/
- http://www.upmc.com/patients-visitors/education/nutrition/pages/low-oxalate-diet.aspx
Designing Your Own Low Oxalate Meal Plans

Source: thgblogs
Coming up your own design of meal plans might as well be a good route to take because you understand from experience what spikes up your kidney stone condition.
However, it’s wise that you don’t depend more on experimenting with your body.
As in, don’t over investigate with your body in the name of searching for your custom low oxalate meal plan strategies, but rather try buying into what other people have already tested.
For this, you can, join groups that are already doing the same. Someone has already taken the risk for you and that’s a good way to source some ideas, from their experience.
Group Powered Low Oxalate Diet and Meal Plans
Think of joining online groups with a few thousand members who talk about low oxalates diet foods.
You can do a bit of homework using Google, look at forums or just engage some folks on the Tried Oxalate Yahoo Group, a yahoo forum dedicated solely to people for trying out oxalates.
From the group, a person asks a question like is oatmeal high in oxalates or suggests the meal plan they’ve tried and how it affected their condition, ideally giving a firsthand experience of what the user should expect.
However, It’s also good to be super-wise with any information you harvest online because at times it can be misguiding.
That in return means you should only take something seriously if at least more than 30 people are recommending it.
Otherwise, you don’t want people learning from your predicaments too. It’s just not smart. You can also check around the internet for some videos on organic low oxalate meal plans that won’t hurt your kidney stone condition.
Mostly these a real people who themselves are on low oxalate diet directed by their nutritionists and that might be of help.
I’d also recommend that you get in touch with the person sharing their oxalate journey to get to know them at a personal level because you don’t want to take any health-related steps from a person you encountered once after watching their first video.
What if they are just there to get views. Didn’t mean to underrate anyone off cause, just want to insist on cautiousness…
Personally, I came across this lady (something I mentioned when explaining low oxalate recipes for kidney stones on a different post). Mind you, the lady was real in dealing with oxalate.
Before her doctor revealed she was battling with the condition she’d complain of long mornings and a heavy tired body every day.
Her moods were unstable also and everything was in a mess so to speak (including the usual sugar eaten by couples between the sheets.)
Her first food to drop was spinach, which literary she ate each day not knowing it was her greatest depositor of oxalates in her colon.
The rest you can watch in her video below. She has also spoken of low oxalate crockpot recipes but not to the depths.
For more of such videos just Google low oxalate in YouTube, there aren’t many low oxalate meal plan videos so you should be able to spot her other resources.
You Can Customize a Low Oxalate Diet pdf With Your Nutritionist
However, the best place to begin a low oxalate meal plan journey if you have kidney stones would be nothing more prime like getting in touch with a food nutritionist.
Reason being, as stated in another article, oxalates are not the real issue as they sound.
The source of the problem which is what facilitates the crystallization of calcium oxalates, is always what is to treat. It’s could be a problem in the digestive system, or a serious imbalance of minerals, or bacteria in the colon.
For instance, doctors have established that an abnormal surge of c. difficile in the intestines can disrupt the ecological condition inside a patients stomach to cause unwanted absorption of compounds like calcium oxalate.
This may end up reacting to become crystals. The residue then might cling on the urinary system which is what is referred to as kidney stones. A low oxalate diet meal plan can ease that.
In short, kidney stones are nothing complicated as they may appear to be because they are a result of a simple change of matter in the way it occurs.
From a soluble substance to a solid evidence in the crystal. Now, what low oxalate foods do is simply help you cut the amount or concentration of oxalates that go into your digestive system.
That’s the reason designing your own low oxalate meal plan for kidney stones ought not to be anything complex, just focus on what doesn’t get those minerals in large quantities into your body and you are home.
If you don’t have the list of foods that are low in the molecule you can have a look at the article on this site that talks about that.
You may want to understand why some foods are low in oxalate concentration and why others are high on the same. That depends on the soil they are grown in. Or just the way a food crop exists.
A plant will have more oxalates if it grows on areas prone to bugs, and so as a defensive mechanism, the bugs would chew the plant and die.
What of animals, where do they get calcium oxalate from, again this comes from the plants they feed on. That’s the reason you may want to avoid cheese and other specific dairy products in your kidney stone diet because they are said to be high in oxalates.
It has not be established whether this compound is value adding to the body system, however, some doctors claim oxalates bring a certain balance that aids in the excretion of byproducts from the body.
Other than that, researchers say oxalates get extracted from food during digestion and gets deposited on the colon to await excretion.
The problems come in when the body is not able to flush this and other minerals out on time, which end up being absorbed back into the blood and that’s how they get into the urinary system.
An excess of oxalic acid or oxalates in general in the blood may also cause other conditions such as chronic vulva pain, also known as vulvodynia to really get severe.
Those suffering from rheumatoid, gout and autism are also advised to avoid diets high in oxalate. Now you have your low oxalate meal plan strategies right.
And as said above, you can always save all this as in your low oxalate diet pdf folder where you’ll be referring in future.
In case you have something to add on the topic, or some new low oxalate recipes and meal plan ideas, feel free to share what you think below, in the comment section. It will also be great if you can share the resource(s) you got the information from, don’t you think so.
I found this article EXTREMELY helpful, but for me and my stones, it gets even more tricky as I have Type II diabetes. What I can eat for kidney stones, I can’t eat for my diabetes – complicated right? I did gain knowledge from this article – didn’t know I should eat my calcium in the morning, no wheat bread, etc. THANK YOU for the great article and references.