Is coffee high in oxalates? The amount of oxalate in coffee is becoming a major concern among coffee lovers who’ve been seen to have oxalate sensitivity issues.
In fact, this is particularly a great concern if you are looking to ensure your oxalate levels remain within the healthy mark.
As in, those of us who take a cup of coffee after another throughout the day, its super important to be sure whether coffee is high in oxalates. And well the answer is, it depends.
A couple of lab tests have confirmed that instant coffee seems to have more oxalate per serving compared to what regular coffees has (but coffee, in general is not a low oxalate beverage).
Is Coffee High in Oxalates – What different studies say What seems complicated is that different researches (one by semantic scholar and another by uwhealth have confirmed that people who take regular coffee as their main beverage also have a lesser history of forming kidney stones.
As in, so far even studies from authoritative bodies like this:, cannot comfortably conclude what amount of coffee increases the risk of oxalate crystal formation – instead, the risk seems to go down with consuming more coffee.
How to Reduce Oxalate in Coffee and Other Drinks
While it’s not clear whether oxalate particles in coffee should be something to cause alarm, but if your body is seriously oxalate sensitive, this oxalate reducing enzyme should really help you lower the concentration of this chemical in all your drinks foods.
It’s also said that cooking your coffee beans well, at least for several additional minutes helps to weaken the bonds of the compound so that it’s easily passed from your body together with other unwanted minerals during excretion.
But still, off cause you may want to reduce other oxalic-rich-foods, like spinach, kale, and sweet potatoes because their type of oxalate is what often sticks behind to form kidney stones. But well, if you feel that you need to eat either of these oxalate-rich foods, the oxalate enzyme will help you neutralize the chemical in them.
What to Keep in Mind
In different other studies, the consumption of coffee has been noted to possess extremely high health benefits. For the longest time it’s been marked to increase short-term cognitive ability on students – however, recent studies say, by taking at least 4 cups of coffee each day for a long time, there are chances you might increase your IQ’s capacity right from the DNA root change.
Most people with oxalate sensitivity concerns get confused on whether they should or not continue taking coffee to boost their cognitive production, and the answer is, at least sit down with your nutritionist and discuss the matter. Nonetheless, in this publication says coffee is an oxalate free beverage, as in yes it has some amount of the compound but its kind of oxalate are not the sticky type.
Another interesting research involving coffee intake is a recent one by IUF-Leibniz Research Institute in collaboration with IUF-Leibniz University, which says the beverage can protect the heart with the help of mitochondrial action.
However, to get this effect the user needs at least take more than 4 cups of coffee to trigger movement of special protein inside mitochondria, which in consequence safeguards cardiovascular cells from damage. Besides that, coffee intake has also been linked to lower diseases risks, including diseases such as gout, certain cancer types, depression, type II diabetes, and the gallstone disease among others, (see more information on this from this article).
So Should You Continue taking Coffee, with Oxalate Symptoms on you?

Well, unless your oxalate sensitivity are becoming more frequent after you have had a cup or two of coffee, or your nutritionist has raised a red flag, the answer is studies have confirmed that in fact, coffee lovers report lesser cases of kidney stones.
Because of such studies, another research by the National Coffee Association, this year reported that coffee consumption has gone significantly high in the United States of America. That is from 57 percent in 2016 to over 61 percent by December 2017. This also explains why you get over 568,000 mentions or available information on Google when you search for the term oxalate in coffee.
Oxalate Sensitivity Triggers and Symptoms
Before, there was a debate as to whether oxalate sensitivity is real and some people thought it is just another mare imagination from nutritionists until lab tests proved that indeed it’s real. Well, testing this was simple because the oxalate sensitivity symptoms were only consistent after a particular group of kidney stone patients (who were already considered oxalate sensitive) ate certain foods.
In particular, the symptoms showed up after they ate foodstuffs like sweet potatoes, spinach, and kale more often. And a good case in point is a lady on YouTube. (In case you wish to watch her go search for “oxalate symptoms” or any topic to do with oxalic acid in foods, say “oxalate in coffee”) and you should see a slim lady in a yellow top explaining the same. She explains how she started having uncomfortable feelings in the morning — nausea, body pains and joint pains…
Interestingly, she noticed that this happened every time she took spinach for more than 4 times a week and decided to ask her nutritionist. She was sent for blood sample testing and it was then that she became aware of oxalate sensitivity.
In precise, to know you have a problem with oxalic acid compounds you may begin to feel muscle pains(doctors call that oxalate muscle pain, see link on that;) fibromyalgia pains (check this piece on that) and a feeling of extreme tiredness in the morning. (Again, for the whole list of these symptoms check on the oxalate muscle pain articles in the above link.
When to Seek Medical Attention for Oxalate Sensitivity
While it’s been proven that oxalate in coffee content is nothing to worry about, and in fact, coffee happens to bind oxalic acid to allow easier excretion, you may also not want to just depend on the beverage to treat your oxalate problems.
It is advisable that see your doctor or nutritionist once you begin to experience abnormal changes in your bladder (things like pain when passing urine) or the symptoms we’ve mentioned above. Well, you may also Google search for an oxalate professional near me and have them check on you.
What about Oxalate Diet
Over 80 percent of the most nutritious foods contain oxalic acid or oxalate to be precise. This means it’s not easy to completely shut off oxalates from your body. In fact, it is also said that our bodies can make its own oxalate.
Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean you throw away your low oxalate diet, by all means, stick to it (in fact, you can do it better by following a dedicated low oxalate book (check below links for a copy of such). But top on that you might also want to include oxalate reducing agents in your meals.
Is coffee high in oxalates. Hope the article has helped explain the way you should see oxalate in coffee compared to how you should view the compound in other foodstuffs. In case you want to add something, feel free to comment below, but for this articles, let’s try to keep all talks within oxalic acid in coffee.
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