Is there a link between oxalates and frequent urination? Well, as at the time of this writing and what records say so far, there hasn’t been any specific clinical test to confirm oxalates and urinary frequency claims.
However, physical observation on how patients behave after being diagnosed with conditions that trigger oxalate sensitivity, due to higher levels of it in the body, confirm there is a clear string attaching oxalates and frequent urination.
In fact generally, people who’ve been diagnosed with oxalate sensitivity symptoms say they feel the urge to pass urine more often than when they were ok. Fortunately there are anti frequent urination supplements that work really effectively – the best according to me is Verum Saw Palmetto click link to see it.
However, LES Labs Prostate Health claims to do the same job of helping to reduce frequent urination – you check what users say about their product here.
Passing urine is the mechanism by which the body flushes out toxic products, similar to sweating and passing out stool. In other words, this is how your body flushes out oxalates and such like minerals.
Certain Foods Cause Frequent Urination

Source: avogel
Just to mention for the purpose of clarity, there are also foods that cause frequent urination and some of them are not high oxalates foods. Porridge from maize flour is one great example of such foods.
In situations where the need to frequent to the toilet results from a food, the urge will cease as soon as the contents of it are depleted from the body, so its nothing of medical concern.
Also, naturally our bodies are designed to induce certain activities when it ‘thinks’ there is the need to. For instance when its chilling cold, people will want to go pass out more than when temperatures are high.
Reason being, in the quest to retain as much heat as possible your skin would close its pores thereby preventing sweating–hence the frequent visit to the toilet to urinate.
Oxalate Sensitivity
People, mostly men will frequent to go pass urine during the cold months than when it’s hot. That’s not what we are talking about.
This is a case where the chemical — oxalate and frequent urination are a symptom of a condition. The condition is what triggers oxalate sensitivity. And this may come when you’ve eaten high oxalate foods for like three consecutive days, to other people it can be after a day.
Just to make it clearer, oxalate sensitivity is when the body responds with unusual symptoms like mood swings, feeling tired and muscle pains due to high levels of oxalates in the body.
In a normal situation, the body is supposed to regulate the level of oxalates by simply flushing it out with excretes (stool and urine).
So what Causes Oxalate Sensitivity?
Ideally, there are several reasons that do contribute to oxalate sensitivity. And among the top ones are gut dysfunction and intestinal permeability– a condition doctors call leaky gut.
When someone has a leaky gut, it means the gut is allowing unwanted particles like oxalates to sip through or be absorbed into the blood or other organs.
Oxalates and Frequent Urination –the Connection
As this molecules flood the body, over time, they become excess and end up pilling on certain regions like the kidney and muscle tissues.
In this case, the body will know something is not right –and that’s how the link between oxalates and frequent urination comes into existence. Now, in trying to eliminate the chemical, the body adjusts and increases the rate of urination.
What Causes Leaky Gut?
Leaky gut in itself is not a standalone condition like we would say pneumonia or common cold is, it is basically a consequence of other things.
These may include a bacteria called H. Pylori which causes a type of stomach ulcers, food intolerance, some prescription medication, and Candida– a type of fungus associated with yeast formation in women.
In short, these are the root causes of oxalate sensitivity and hence frequent urination, but let’s not confuse this with foods that cause frequent urination.
When One has Oxalate Sensitivity Symptoms they Might also Suffer from:
Kidney Stones

Source: staticflickr
Often than not, oxalate imbalance in the body becomes the first culprit whenever kidney stones are mentioned. In fact, even doctors mark that as the first consequence of high oxalate concentration in man and animal (talking of dogs in particular).
That’s true for the most part because kidney stones from this chemical account for 75 to 80 percent of the cases. However, there are other types of kidney stones not necessarily caused by oxalates.
As in, the kidney stones we are talking about build up when calcium and oxalate levels become uncontrollably high in the urine. Super concentrated that it cannot be diluted –- which is what causes the crystals to form, what doctors would call calcium oxalate crystals. The body would still try to fight back by inducing frequent urination.
Thyroid Conditions
The body has various ways it responds to high levels of oxalate in the body, not just frequent urination. It may respond by storing the chemical away, in different places like in damaged tissues, in muscles tissues or in different organs.
In this case, the oxalates might get stored in the thyroid. This was discovered after a study of thyroid autopsies carried on adults found oxalate crystals in nearly 80 percent of the participants, in their thyroids.
The study established that the rate of concentration of the oxalate in the thyroid increased with the age of the patient. This is kind of an alarming situation because the crystals do grow in the thyroid and slowly begins to cause a malfunction in the affected area, what doctors call hypothyroidism.
It’s almost obvious that people with fibromyalgia, a condition characterized by pain in the muscle tissues, joints and aches throughout the body will complain of oxalate sensitivity.
Fibromyalgia pains have been known to affect a patient’s quality of life in many ways from causing chronic fatigue, severe headaches, brain fog, insomnia, and hormonal imbalances. Not to mention the discomfort in what this post is all about– oxalates and frequent urination.
Still a sign of oxalate sensitivity, vulvodynia causes a type of chronic pain and inflammation in women. The sufferer would complain of these consequences throughout their genitalia, which makes it extremely debilitating on a woman. However, great success has been recorded when the affected turns to low oxalate diet. Besides that, the frequent urination also slows down to a few times.
Oxalates are basically more prevalent in plants but findings have also established that they can be manufactured in the human body if the person is using supplements rich in vitamin B. Top on that chronic candida has been linked to oxalate increase in the body.
In fact, over 90% of people who’ve been diagnosed with candida infection have also recorded higher levels of oxalates and frequent urination. If the victim is suffering from fungal candida and he or she is eating foods that are rich in oxalates, that might slow their healing process or completely become a barrier to the treatment.
What happens is those excess oxalates create a systemic inflammation in the body, which ideally keeps the immune system busy trying to control the swelling –which means a serious lapse in the capability of the immune as it cannot function optimally. This in return creates a condition that makes candida flourish faster.
Other Symptoms Pointing to High Oxalate Presence and Oxalate Sensitivity
Besides frequent urination, being diagnosed with candida fungus, vulvodynia, fibromyalgia, thyroid problems and kidney stones, there are several other symptoms that may say you have oxalate sensitivity, these include:
- Having mood swings especially in the morning
- Low muscle tone and feeling weak
- Pain throughout the body, in joints, genitals, eyes, and muscles
- Burning feet
- Fatigue
- Restlessness
- Stomach gas (or bloating) and pain in the intestinal
- Seeing cloudy urine with kidney stones (oxalate crystals)
- Poor growth in small children
- Urinary pain and frequent urination
- Recurrent brain fog, feelings of anxiety and depression
In summary, it’s important to have that wider picture, not just linking oxalates and frequent urination. Because like we saw, there are foods that cause frequent urination as well yet they are literary low oxalate foods.
Now, you know oxalates sensitivity has various causes. With that, it means proper healing and how to flush oxalates from body comes with knowing what foods to eat and those not to eat. It also means if you are using food supplements they should be low in the chemical, or else they could be the culprit causing you problems.
My advice is, find a health practitioner who is specifically trained in oxalates to help you combat oxalate sensitivity because it involves looking at various things. This might range from the actual medical condition (the trigger) causing it, to foods and supplements to avoid or use to help in the healing process.
In other words, oxalates and frequent urination is an issue that might require some special attention from a specialist, it’s not just another nutritional case like it may sound.
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