oxalate arthritis

oxalate dumping symptoms oxalate

Oxalate Dumping Symptoms – How Long do they Last?

Oxalate dumping is not a daily phrase even in the healthcare set up. However, it is not a new phrase either for people with oxalate sensitivity. One of the places you will hear the words oxalate dumping being bandied about quite often is in the social media oxalate support groups. Research has so far concluded that, oxalate dumping comes when…

Joint and Muscle Pain Related to Oxalates

What is oxalate muscle pain? This is a type of pain that mostly affects muscle tissues like in the biceps, triceps, deltoid, quadriceps, tibialis anterior and pectoralis (or chest muscle). The pain often results from an accumulation of oxalate crystals in these tissues. People suffering from this kind of pain may link it to arthritis or gout or vulvodynia but…